Uma banda que pode vir dar que falar
Por vezes quando menos esperamos, ouvimos uma música que nos fica no ouvido sem sabermos a razão.
Foi o que me aconteceu quando ouvi Gas Tank dos Home Video.
A forma como a própria letra esta feita e a combinação da música é tão harmoniosa que é impossível não ficar na cabeça.
Fica o vídeo e a letra
I'm the one you want
but how long til that goes away
when I say yes to you
you flip the other way
I'm the one you want
but how long til that goes away
when I say yes to you
you flip the other way
You wont step for me
but I won't bend down any more
you wont step for me
but I won't bend down any more
Got you pegged like a wooden leg
got you pegged like a wooden leg
Make your move
it's your turn to crush me
I'm standing still
as you bring it down
I'm the one you want
but how long til that goes away
when I say yes to you
you flip the other way
I'm the one you want
but how long til that goes away
when I say yes to you
you flip the other way
You wont step for me
but I won't bend down any more
You wont step for me
but I won't bend down any more
Got you pegged like a wooden leg
got you pegged like a wooden leg
Make your move
it's your turn to crush me
I'm standing still
as you bring it down
Make your move
it's your turn to crush me
I'm standing still
as you bring it down
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