Terá Marilyn Manson tirado a costela?

Numa conversa recentemente em que se falavam de gostos musicais, surge Marilyn Manson, ora a primeira reacção foi logo "ah o tal tipo que tirou as costelas" um daqueles boatos que lembro-me dos meus tempos do secundário. Esse é um de muitos criados sobre ele.

Numa pesquisa ve-se logo que é um daqueles boatos que consta como tantos outros...
No endereço que se segue, podem ver esse e mais outros, alguns mesmo hilariantes.


Para finalizar deixo um vídeo e a letra correspondente. Este vídeo é da banda sonora do filme Queen of the Damned.

The hunger inside given to me,
Makes me what I am.
Always it is calling me,
For the blood of man.

They say I cannot be this,
I am jaded.
Hiding from the day,
I can't bare it,
Cannot tame the hunger in me

Oh, I say I did it,
Always searching,
You can't fuck with me.
So instead you'll taste my pain.

The hunger inside given to me,
Makes me feel alive.
Always out stalking prey,
In the dark I hide.
Feeling, falling, hating,
Feel like I am fading, hating life.

They say I cannot be this,
I am jaded.
Hiding from the day.
I can't bare it,
I cannot tame the hunger in me...

Oh, I say I did it
Always searching,
You can't fuck with fate.
So instead you'll taste my pain.

You say your life I'm taking,
Always bothering me.
I can't take this anymore,
I'm failing, always smothering me

You look down on me,
Hey what you see,
Take this gift from me.
You will soon be me.

Nothing seems exciting,
Always the same hiding

It's haunting me.
It's haunting me.
It's haunting me.
It's haunting me.

It's haunting me...

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